Life Matters.

The Life Matters team present creative, thought-provoking and educational workshops to students across South Australia. Our school workshops create a safe and inclusive space for young people to discover their story. We invite students to think about the choices they make and the impact they can have on their friends, school, community and world.

shows and seminars.

Most of the SMG Life Matters presentations are aligned to Australian Curriculum v9 Content.

Easter  2024

This Easter season we want to challenge young people all over South Australia to think about what it truly means to love others. Genuine love is all about caring for others, looking out for others, helping others even if it means sometimes giving something up for another person.  The core of the Christian faith revolves around a man who through His own love for others, spent His life helping others and encouraging us all to love one another regardless of who the “other” is.

We want to encourage young people to look out for ways to love those around them – whether at school, home, their sports clubs, their mates – to put love into action and to make their school and community a place where people genuinely care for and respect one another. This interactive presentation offers an educational perspective on Christianity and re-tells the foundational story of Easter. It is shared in a non-judgemental and sensitive way, created for a diverse audience.  

Dates: 12th March – 12th April 2024
 Time: 45 mins
Group size: up to 250 per session
Age Groups: F-6 or F-2 and 3-6
Key Learnings:  Christian Education / Diversity in Religious Belief / Positive impact / Positive mental health / Character strengths (Love, Kindness, Forgiveness)

Legacy Matters

Each student has a different mindset going into their final years of high school. For some the possibilities are endless; these possibilities fuel and form dreams of a life that is just waiting to be grasped. For others, possibilities are not so much endless but signify the end, with hopes of just getting the year over and done with. And still others, the thought of finishing high school might seem an impossible task. We challenge students to think about what they want to get out of their final years of school, and inspire them to dream big, by offering relevant, practical advice.

Age Group
: High School Year 11-12
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Study Habits / Personality Types / Procrastination / Stress / Motivation / Balancing Study and Social Life

Transition Matters

The Transition from primary school to high school is one that fills students with excitement, anticipation, anxiety, and for some, even terror. The fears and worries students have about this change range from, increased workload, new teachers, making friends, meeting new people, and getting lost. All valid concerns, but this workshop aims to build resilience in the face of new challenges. The three major themes are: Change, Challenge, Choice.   

Age Group
: Year 6
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Understanding and coping with change / Resilience in challenges / Making positive choices / Growth Mindset

Friendship Matters

How we get along with others is an important part of school and life. Having good friends is a fun part of growing up but we also know that sometimes things happen in friendships that cause us to feel sad, hurt, and lonely. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, we encourage young people to reflect on how to be a good friend, how to get along with others, how to fix things when you make a mistake in your friendships and why forgiveness is super important. We aim to help them understand that friendship really does matter.

Age Group:
Primary School Year 3–6
Running Time: 75 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Friendships / Forgiveness / Conflict Resolution / Relationships / Getting along

Nobility Matters

The world needs men whose actions are fuelled by a confidence in their identity, who understand emotions and have freedom to express their feelings. The world needs men who are gentle and strong, compassionate and brave, respectful and bold. The world needs men who are captured by the responsibility to help and serve others.

Age Group
: High School Year 9-10
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Gender stereotypes / Understanding emotions / Mental health / Relationships / Responsibilities / Role models

Identity Matters

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with thousands of images. These images communicate something to us, about who we are expected to be – our value, our worth, our identity. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, we look at our culture, critique it, and see if the messages we hear are helpful or harmful. We take the opportunity to get honest and talk real about body image, worth and value and consider how our individual perspective plays a role in how we view our identity.

Age Group:
High School Year 7–12
Running Time: 75 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Identity / Body Image / Worth / Value / Relationships / Mental Health

Reputation Matters

How we interact with one another in the online world impacts our reputation. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, we aim is to raise awareness about potential risks and equip secondary students to navigate the online world in a wise and discerning manner to keep themselves and their mates safe. We address concepts such as our digital reputation, online safety, sending nudes and the impact of social media on our mental health. Our message is that your reputation really does matter – both in the physical world and the online world, and that discernment and wisdom are your biggest weapons in the online world.

Age Group:
High School Year 7–12
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Digital Reputation / Social Media / Online Safety / Sexting / Relationships / Mental Health

Dignity Matters

The world needs women who are empowered to fulfil their potential, and who can use their spark to make an impact. The world needs women who are confident and brave, vulnerable and strong, empathetic and bold. The world needs women who aren’t afraid to fail, who love and care for themselves and who foster healthy relationships, who lead and serve with passion and creativity.

Age Group
: High School Year 9-10
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Gender stereotypes / Leadership / Mental health / Relationships / Body image / Purpose

Diversity Matters

We live in a diverse world where people identify themselves with a variety of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities, genders and sexualities. So, how do we have respectful conversations with people who are “different” to us? Through story, discussion, video and games we explore with students how to recognise diversity and developing respect, how to interact and empathise with others and how to reflect on intercultural/diverse experiences and how to take responsibility for our choices.

Age Group
: High School Year 7–12
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Identity / Diversity / Respect / Compassion / Relationships / Empathy

Respect Matters

Approximately one in four Year 4 to Year 9 Australian students (27%) reported being bullied every few weeks or more often. In 85% of bullying interactions, peers are present as onlookers, and play a central role in the bullying process. 32% of Year 5s and 29% of Year 8s reported frequent school bullying ( Through story, discussion, videos, and activities, we aim to assist your students to build resilience, understand the impacts of bullying and to grasp the Golden Rule of treating others how we would like to be treated. We explore how to support others experiencing bullying and how kindness and respect are the key values in creating a safe space for all students in a school community.
Age Group: Primary School Year 3–6
Running Time: 75 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Bullying/ Bystanders / Respect / Resilience

Consent Matters

Consent is a crucial aspect of respectful and healthy relationships. This seminar is designed to help secondary students develop skills to navigate shared decisions in a way that is consistently fair and respectful. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, we encourage young people to put in place some positive steps in their life. This seminar explores consent in two key areas - Image sharing/image-based abuse as well as the act of willingly agreeing to engage in sexual activity with another person.

Age Group:
High School Year 7–12 Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Image-based abuse / Sexual consent / Relationships / Impact of pornography on consent / Where to get help

Love Matters

The average age of first pornographic exposure is getting younger and younger. This seminar is designed to challenge secondary students to grasp the incredibly devastating impact that pornography is having on our world. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, we encourage young people to reflect on the impact pornography is having in our world, develop skills to navigate their way through a world saturated by pornography and encourage them to understand that love really does matter!

Age Group:
 High School Year 7–12
Running Time: 90 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Pornography / Consent / Impact on the Brain / Relationships / Responsibilities / Impact on society / Where to get help

Health Matters

E-Cigarette use, or vaping, is an emerging drug issue amongst young people all over Australia, including here in South Australia. Through story, discussion, videos, and activities, we aim to assist your students to build resilience, make informed decisions and to take personal responsibility for their own health in relation to vaping. We explore what is in a vape, how vaping can affect them, how vapes are marketed and how to keep them self and their mates safe.

Age Group
: High School Year 7–12
Running Time: 75-80 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Drug Education/ Vaping / Safety / Physical Health

Emotions Matters

How to recognise and manage our emotions is an important part of life. We all feel emotions everyday of our lives. A common question that people ask each other is “How are you feeling?”. Through story, discussion, video and activities, we explore how to recognise our emotions, how different emotions make us feel, why we sometimes “lose control” and how we can better manage our emotions. Using the latest research, we aim to equip students to understand their emotions better within themselves and how to regulate them because we believe, emotions matter!

Age Group:
Primary School Year 3-6
Running Time: 60-70 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Emotion Recognition / Emotion Regulation / Relationships / Mental Health

Safety Matters

We all want our students to be safe, know how to keep themselves safe and know who the safe people are in their lives. Through story, discussion, activities, and videos, and based on the Keeping Safe : Child Protection Curriculum, we explore how to identify safe and unsafe feelings, how to understand our bodies warning signs, how to create a safe network of trusted adults and the difference between safe/unsafe touching and secrets.
This show also features our Kimochis character, Bug!

Age Group: Primary School Year R-2
Running Time: 50-60 mins
Price: From $530
Topics include: Protective Behaviours / Safe Networks / Trust / Being Brave / Relationships / Respect

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Boost your NSWP funded Student Wellbeing Program!

All schools with NSWP funding can purchase SMG Life Matters Seminars through funded Group Services.

In addition to SMG Life Matters Seminars, SMG offer both one-to-one and whole of school funded services through our Pastoral Care Workers and Wellbeing Education programs and workshops.